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International Baby Group (2-12 months)

Internationaler Eltern-Kind-Kurs (englischsprachig) im Kölner Geburtshaus © Kölner Geburtshaus

The first year with a baby might be gone in the wink of an eye and feels like going on forever on the same time.

In this class you meet other parents, you and your child might find lifelasting friends or at least partners in crime for this first adventurous year. We will start each class with a song and we learn some lullabys and small games from around the world. Traditional Fijian Infant Massage will help you bonding with your baby and helps to find good sleep and ease some stomach ache. Baby Yoga from India helps to improve flexibility of various body parts and contributes to smooth motoric development.

We will have time to discuss all the topics that can come up during this first year. This might be the new role as a parent, relationship between siblings, motoric development, theeth and how to care, first food, sleeping, crying, the importance of play in a childs life...

We meet each week in a comfortable space for parents and babys. The room will be prepared acording to Hungarian pedriatic Emmi Pikler to give the babys all chances for free play and safe and joyful movement.

You will recive various handouts and further information per email for different topics.

Twins and babys with special needs are very welcome.

Termine und Kosten

Thursdays, 06.03. - 10.04.2025

Time: 11:15 - 12:15 Uhr

Fee: 6 dates, 95€

Geeignete Altersgruppe(n): 
Baby / Kleinkind
Weiterführender Link:


Kölner Geburtshaus
Bergstr. 36
50739 Köln
0221 - 1680 0730
Info und Anmeldung

Anbieter Informationen

Kölner Geburtshaus
Bergstr. 36
50739 Köln
0221 168 0073-0